Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20)
Aries are wild by night and active by day. They need wholegrain foods to keep body full of vitality. When Aries, which has rule over the head, is on the Ascendant, we have a person whose actions are impulsive and aggressive. He acts and speaks quickly. An excess of life force is generated by these people. This is intensified when the dynamic Mars, which is the ruler of Aries, is also in Aries on the Ascendant, or when the life-giving sun is there. When these planets add their vital energies to the Ascendant, we have a person who is very apt to dissipate his forces. people who express Aries very strongly are apt to be quick of temper of an explosive kind, but will not hold spite. Those with Aries on the Ascendant, or with the sun or Mars there, are quick to anger but also ready to forgive. Aries rules the head, the cerebral hemispheres of the brain, the upper jaw, the eyes, and the face. The nose, however, is ruled by the martial sign of Scorpio. Aries is hot, dry, and inflammatory. Aries people with a slight cold or disturbance of health may have a very high temperature. In illness their fever will often be from three to four degrees higher than that of the persons born under the watery of airy signs. Under planetary afflictions these people are subject to brain fever, dizziness, nosebleed, neuralgia, inflammation of the cerebral hemispheres, and diseases of the brain and face. They frequently suffer from a rush of blood to the head. The will of the patient plays a great part in the success of healing. People under positive signs are most likely to respond, for they make personal effort to help the healer, while negative-sign people are prone to follow the line of least resistance and to be neglectful in following the instructions of the healer.