Interesting Facts about Zodiac Sign Libra

Libra (24 Sep - 23 Oct)
You have great, sparkling eyes, keep them clear by eating cucumber, carrot and spinach. Libra is one of the signs wherein the sun is weak. The sun is symbolized by Sampson, who is minus his strength, for Delilah, who is the feminine Virgo, has shorn him of his power, which was in his hair, representing the sun's rays. As the sun enters Libra, it changes from north to south declination; and as Libra is the sign of Saturn's exaltation, the sun's rays at this point, the crossing of the equator, are weakest. Libra people on this account are not always able to rise above physical conditions. Their moods waver like the symbol which represents the sign, the scales. At one time Librans are up in the seventh heaven of happiness and optimism, but at the least mental disturbance they may drop to the very bottom of pessimism and despair. Idealism is well developed in the Libran. The Libran patient should, if possible, never be discouraged in whatever he has set his heart upon doing, for shatter his ideals and down goes one side of the scales into the very deepest discouragement, which often causes ill health. The Libran should cultivate equilibrium. Physiologically this sign rules the kidneys, the lumbar region of the spine, the skin, the urethras, which are the tiny ducts running between the kidneys and the bladder, and the vaso-motor system. The afflictions from with the Libran are most likely to suffer are Bright's disease, lumbago, disturbed urine. The disease depends greatly upon the planets afflicting: if Saturn, there is a scarcity of urine; if Jupiter, an excess, etc. Nephritis, eczema, and diabetes are also diseases from which the Libran is likely to suffer.