Interesting Facts about Zodiac Sign Cancer

Cancer (22 June - 22 July)
Feed your hair and nails with calcium rich foods, such as milk, cheese, and green vegetables. This will help to sustain your sensual healthy glow. When we have a horoscope to diagnose for one who has the watery and negative Cancer rising, we may look for one who is low in vitality; one who is very timid yet loath to follow the advice of others. Cancer people are apt to do the opposite from that which they are advised to do. They are also full of suspicion, and on account of lack of faith in others they are difficult to reach; but when their faith has once been established, they are most loyal and ready to cooperate. A little praise or appreciation will often win them over. They are unduly sensitive, and when hurt do not forget it readily. When the sun is in this watery sign, the native has more vitality than when it is rising, for the sun is the giver of life and energy. Cancer has rule over the stomach, diaphragm, the mammae, upper lobes of the liver, thoracic duct, chymification, peristalsis, the pancreas, gastric vein, and the serum of the blood. The afflictions which may be classed under the sign of Cancer are indigestion, hiccough, flatulency, dropsy, and sclerosis. Cancer people are very fond of food and are usually hearty eaters. Consequently they are often afflicted with diseases which originate in wrong diet; especially do we find this so with the people have Saturn in Cancer. This planet has a restricting influence, and wherever he is found he robs the corresponding organ of its fluids. When in Cancer he gives a desire for pastry and sweets.