Interesting facts about Zodiac sign Capricorn

Capricorn (Dec 23 - Jan 20) 
You need to eat lots of raw leaf vegetables, such as cabbage, spinach and salad leaves, to vitalize the PH balance of your high metabolism. The sign of Capricorn is an earthy sign and ruled by the planet Saturn. Capricorn people do not yield to disease very readily. They are of a wiry, persistent, and stolid nature, and will suffer considerable pain before they will succumb to illness. But once they have given in to sickness then they are just as slow and stubborn in holding on to it. They sometimes become hypochondriacs, and the healer must use most diplomatic methods to break up the crystallized condition with which these Saturnian people clothe themselves. The most unfortunate part of it is that if a Capricorn who is in this mental and physical state is aware that anyone is endeavoring to help him, he will resist help and close up against the friend who thus approaches him. Capricorn people are super-sensitive and very retiring. They often form habits of entertaining gloom and despondency, which have a deteriorating effect upon the health. The sign of Capricorn has rule over the knees, the skin, the joints, and the hair. The skin of a Capricorn person is often sallow and dry. The diseases to which Capricorn is subject are eczema, syphilis, leprosy; also dislocation of the bones.