Sagittarius (Nov 23 - Dec 22)
Dynamic and always hilarious, keep your teeth sparkling and your mind alert by drinking peppermint teas and water. The Sagittarian is usually the most gentle and easily cured of all patients, for with his frank and kindly nature he is most trusting and ever ready to follow all the instructions of the healer; but he will also respond to every negative suggestion. The healer may have given constructive advice and left the patient feeling encouraged, but should one of his many friends (for the Sagittarian is usually very popular and good mixer and therefore attracts many friends to him) suggest sickness or tell him that he is looking bad or give him some other remedy to follow he is very apt to accept the suggestion. The result is that he often retards his recovery. Therefore it is necessary for the Sagittarian patient to be placed under the care of someone who will protect him from adverse suggestions. Sagittarius rules the region of the body directly surrounding the hips, the sacral region of the spine, the coccygeal vertebrae, the femur, the ileum, the iliac arteries, the sciatic nerves, and the ischium. The Sagittarian diseases are locomotor ataxia, sciatica, rheumatism, and hip disease.