Interesting Facts about Pisces

Pisces (20 Feb - 20 Mar) 
You have sensitive hands and lips, so drink vegetable juices or eat exotic fruits to stimulate your smooth skin. Pisces is a watery and common sign, and the people born under it are of a lymphatic and negative nature very fond of luxuries, which too often lead them to seek a life of ease; in later life they are prone to take on an excess of soft, flabby flesh, which leads to ill health. The Pisces people respond very readily to suggestions, whether they are good or evil, and they will also respond just as quickly to the influence of the healer. Do not allow anyone who is of a too sympathetic nature to visit the Piscean while he is ill. Of the over-sympathetic type there are too many in the world today, who think it a social duty to call upon every sick friends and encourage the ailing one to talk about his disease, and then extend to him, oh, so much sympathy! The Piscean person will enjoy the visit of the sympathizer, but when the latter has gone, he usually has a relapse and must quickly send for the doctor or healer. He should be placed in a very cheerful room, with a cheerful attendant, and a sign on the door, "No sympathetic visitors allowed." The Piscean is prone to drift into the habit of drink and the use of narcotics, especially if we find an affliction of the moon and Neptune in the horoscope. Pisces rules the feet, the toes, and the fibrin of the blood. On account of their fondness for good food and an easy life. Piscean people are subject to gout and the swelling of the feet.